Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just one of those days.

This morning I woke up to a joke that's been stuck in my head all night. "You drive up to a gas station, walk into the station to pay for your gas. After waiting in line and finally paying the clerk for your gas, you walk back outside, get into your car and drive off. Of course 5 lights down is when you realize that your tank is still empty, but by the time you get back to the gas station, there's already some dumb-nut pumping away with your money. What do you do?" Another scenario is "you buy your favorite candy bar. As you walk away from the store, you open the candy, and do nothing other than throw the candy into the trash can instead of the wrapper." It's only the beginning to a not-so-jolly day.

Ever had one of those...?

[Yes. It's called a bad day but you'll get over it once you realize it won't last long and it happens to the best of us}

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